冬日隨筆(一)A Winter’s Poem (1)


山中晶瑩雪  春深寂寞林 

四時不同景  冷淡總相因 

倦遊紅塵久  常懷高士心 

默然獨愁予  空谷生白雲 

Crystal snow covering the mountains

The thick forests so lonely

While scenes change across every season

The coldness of life remains

Tired of traveling through this human world

How I long to soar far beyond!

Silent I sit here alone with a sorrowful heart

Watching white clouds rising amidst the empty valleys.

Translated by Jennifer Zeng and Gerard Traub





The Orchid Pavilion Gathering as depicted in an 18th-century Japanese painting. (Wikipedia)

The Orchid Pavilion Gathering as depicted in an 18th-century Japanese painting. (Wikipedia)